Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I am a man, I am white.

I tuck my kids in every night.

I am a woman, I am black.

My husband’s serving in Iraq.

I am America.

I am poor, I am young

And I have stories yet unsung.

I am rich, I am old.

I too, have stories yet untold.

I am America.

I am Christian. I pray each day

For my Lord to guide me on my way.

I am Jewish, my faith is strong.

My heart is filled with David’s song.

I am America.

Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jew,

I am those, to name a few.

Poor and rich, white and black,

I live in a mansion, a trailer, a farm, a shack.

Man and woman, boy and girl

I hold my heart when I see the flag unfurl

For there is nowhere I would rather be.

I am America. I am free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good and very timely.
I think it should be published
or submitted to the media. How or to who
I don't know, but it deserves some
serious exposure.